OceanLove Foundation






Natasha Morley founded OceanLove & LandLove Foundation in 1999, and registered them in 2001 with SEE in Malibu Ca. Then in 2004 with IHC in Ca. as 501(c)(3) organisations.


OceanLove is the synthesis of her thesis dedicated to inter-species communications, and specifically to the dolphins and whales globally. In view of global cetacea stranding preventions from distressed land to world geomagnetic field frequency changes. 


From the British Isles - she has worked extensively in the film industry for twenty years, for traditional animation, live motion and TV commercial in Paris, Auckland New‐Zealand, Hong‐Kong and Hangzhou China.


To global world tours passing the Cape Horn to the Antarctica south Polar Circle, where she first encountered the great blue whales, and wildlife with trash collecting manoeuvres, maritime oil spill prevention, and remote island topography while navigating on patrol throughout the Chilean Antarctica waters on mission with scientists, the Chilean Ambassador of the Antarctica Treaty, and the Chilean Navy.


NMorley trained as a sailplane pilot with long-haul passenger and cargo freight pilots, to being an accomplished endurance, cross-country and dressage Arabian Sharkia equestrian having ridden through the Occidental Erg of the Sahara. 


She has worked with the gaucho's of the Parque Nacional Torres del Paine in Patagonia herding wild horses across the park, and has assisted trekkers from wildfires. 


NMorley has trekked through many praised remote locations, ancient trails and volcano summits throughout West Africa, Latin America, and South Asia.


Since 1986, she has spent much time with local inhabitants, and Indigenous elders globally.


Member of the International Academy of Colour Therapeutics with accreditations for her overall works by the World Federation of Healing in 1999.


She has consulted for many organisations including WISN, elders program. 


              Copyright © 1999/2025 Natasha Morley/OceanLove Foundation. All Rights Reserved.